USPS has come up with a number of services such as priority mail, retail ground, media mail, priority express mail, etc. Among all the mail services one of the most esteemed services is the first-class mail. It is one of the most popularly used mail services. It is observed that the maximum number of customers prefer to choose this service while shipping their national and international packages. When it comes to first-class mail, there are two types of services – USPS first-class domestic and USPS first class international. In this article, we will discuss all the international first-class mail service, its rate as well as its delivery time. Hence if you need to send your package to a foreign country this article will be very useful to you.
USPS First Class Mail International :
USPS first class mail International is certainly one of the most economical, efficient and convenient ways of sending a package or mail to any foreign nation. In fact, when it comes to sending postcards, flats or letters first class mail is certainly the best as it comes up with the opportunity of sending the package to almost 180 countries including Canada.
However, it is seen that when shipped through first-class mail it takes a little more time as compared to the other quick services of USPS. But those services are very costly and if you do not have so many emergencies then it is better to send with this mail service as you will be able to save a lot of money in such a case.
USPS first class international service is very inexpensive and for sending 1 pound of the package from the US to Mexico or Cancun you will only require to spend an amount of $19.71. But in case you send the same package to the same destination with Priority Mail International then you have to pay an amount of $36.81. Hence it is always better to send the package through USPS first class mail international especially when you only need to send emails, letters, bills, small packages, postcards, or any other things that will not be more than four pounds to any overseas destination. But if you need to send a little heavier and expensive package such as gadget, books, clothes, shoes, beauty product, health accessories or any other things which will be more than four pounds then sending through first class package international will always be better as it will be the best and cheapest option.
First-Class Mail International Delivery Time :
Generally, it is observed that when the shipment is done through first-class mail international it takes a maximum of 7 to 21 days to reach the package to the destination’s address. However, it is important for the customers of USPS that there is no guarantee of timely delivery. Generally, it is seen that the shipment of a package of first-class mail international is done through air, ground, or mix of both and thus the time varies.
USPS first class international rates :
The rate of USPS first class international varies from package to package depending on the weight and destination. Again in case, the package is more than that of the limited length, height, thickness, etc. then also the rate of the package increases.
The cost of all letters and postcards starts from $1.15 for all countries whereas the cost of large envelopes starts from $2.29 for all countries. The rate of first-class package international service starts from $9.50 at the post office, $9.03 for the commercial base and commercial plus.
Generally, the USPS first class international rates are categorized in the following four price group:
- Group 1: Canada is included in this group and the price of this group starts at $14.73 or more.
- Group 2: Mexico is included in this group and the price of this group starts at $19.71 or more.
- Group 3: Australia, Germany, Great Britain, etc. are included in this group and the price of this group starts at $21.14 or more.
- Group 4: Taiwan, Brazil, Venezuela, etc. are included in this group and the price of this group starts at $20.90 or more.
Again it is also important to make sure that if you are sending a postcard then it should not be more groups than 1 oz. and in the case of the letter, it should be over 3.5 oz. In the case of large and flat envelopes, it should not be more than 64 ounces and it should not be more than 24 inches in length and 36 inches in combined dimensions.
Conclusion :
Thus it is seen that USPS first class international is one of the most economical ways of sending mail or package to foreign destinations. The best thing about this service is that customers do not need to use special USPS envelopes or packaging or labels for sending their packages through first-class mail or package internationally. Just one thing that you have to keep in mind is to write the return address of the sender clearly on the upper left corner of the envelope and the address of the recipient in the center. Another thing that you need to remember is that if the package is more than one pound then it is mandatory for the customer to fill out the customs form. In this form, you have to give the details of the content of the package and the value of the shipment. Apart from that, you have to declare whether the package is a gift or merchandise. This custom form is available in all post offices. We hope the information given here will help you out in every possible way. Stay connected with us. For more details, you can comment on this post, we will try to reach you for sure.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
Q.1. Can We Track USPS First-Class Mail International?
USPS provides many services to send the packages to foreign countries and First-Class Mail International is one of them. “Yes” you can track the package that has been
sent through the First-Class mail international service and it is free of cost.
Q.2. Does USPS Guarantee For The Delivery Through First-Class Mail International?
Generally, it takes 7-21 days to deliver a package through First-Class Mail International service but USPS doesn’t guarantee for the delivery to be done by the fixed time. It
includes both the air and ground or mix of these services that’s why it might be late in some cases.