
What is Software Reporter Tool and How to Disable it

 October 8, 2019

By  Gregory

Fix Software Reporter Tool: Are you just noticed that your Windows PC has a software reporter tool and you wonder what is it for and how to disable/block it? Well, there can be chances that it is eating up much of your PC resources. Which is the primary reason why you wanna disable this? Or maybe you or your Anti-Malware program detected it to be a malware or Virus, that’s why you decided to learn more about the same. Well, whatever the case might be, the thing is that you want to know more about this Software Reporter Tool and wanna disable the same from your PC.

Software Reporter Tool

That’s exactly what we would be going to cover today in this post. This post will cover almost everything you ever need to know about the Software Reporter Tool and How to disable the same on your Windows PC.

What is Software Reporter Tool?

Software Reporter Tool, for those of you who don’t already know, is a standalone process from the Google Chrome web browser which checks for any add-ons which might be interfering with the normal functioning of Chrome browser. This ensures that the user gets a good and secure experience with the Google Chrome web browser. You should be able to see this under processes named software_reporter_tool.exe. Also, you need not worry since this is not any Virus or Malware. It is just a process by the Chrome browser.

There can be times that these processes eat up a lot of your system resources. This is the situation where you’ll get messages saying Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool has stopped working; you might want to disable or remove itTalking of which, disabling the Chrome Software Reporter tool is actually a lot easier. We would be seeing How in this article, but for now, let us take a look at Is Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool safe section.

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Is Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool safe to use?

The Answer is Yes, the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool is completely safe to use. You can simply keep it enabled on your Windows PC and it won’t harm your computer in any way. In fact, it will just check for some potential conflicts which might occur on your system with the Google Chrome Browser. But if this process is taking a lot of your system resources, then we would recommend you either disable or remove it from your Windows PC.

With that being clear, that being said, let us now take a look at How to disable Chrome Software Reporter Tool.

How to Disable Chrome Software Reporter Tool

Here are the steps which you need to follow in order to remove the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool from your Windows PC. Make sure that you follow each of the following steps carefully and don’t skip out on any as it might create some issues. With that being said, here are the steps:

  • First of all, you need to open the File Explorer on your Windows PC.
  • Now, you need to go to the following path on your Windows PC:

C:Users/[your username]/AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser/ DataSwReporter22.123.0.

  • Now, you need to right-click on the Chrome Software Reporter Tool and select the Properties option from the list.

software_reporter_tool exe

  • In the next window, you need to click on the Security tab and then click on Advanced.

software_reporter_tool security

  • Now, you need to click on the Disable inheritance button and simply remove all the inherited permissions from this tool.

inherited permission

  • Click on the Apply button in order to make changes take place.
  • Once done, simply Restart your Windows PC and you should be good to go.

Those were the steps to disable the Chrome Software Reporter Tool on your Windows PC. Let us now actually take a look at the steps to remove Chrome Software Reporter Tool from Windows PC.

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How to Remove Chrome Software Reporter Tool

Here are the steps which you need to follow in order to remove the Chrome Software Reporter Tool from your Windows PC for good:

  • First of all, you need to open the File Explorer on your Windows PC.
  • Now, you need to go to the following path on your Windows PC:

C:Users/[your username]/AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser/ DataSwReporter22.123.0.

  • Select all the files which you see here. Delete all the files from your Windows PC.
  • Once deleted, there can be chances that the browser may auto-download this tool on your PC. If this happens then we can avoid this by following some additional steps:
  • Right-click on the software_reporter_tool.exe and select the Open With > Notepad option.

remove software reporter tool

  • In the Notepad, press the Ctrl + A to select all the text and press the Backspace or Del key on your keyboard.

disable software reporter tool

  • Once deleted all the text, simply press the Ctrl + S to save the changes.
  • After this, you simply need to restart your Windows PC and you should be good to go.

So, guys, this was our post on What is Software Reporter Tool and How to Disable it. We hope that this guide helped you in understanding What is Software Reporter Tool and How to Disable the same on your Windows PC. Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments section down below.

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