Fix MS Word has stopped working: Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used document processors used by a majority of users. The text editor is widely loved by almost everyone but it isn’t without its fair share of problems. Running into errors like Microsoft Word has Stopped Working is commonplace for MS Word users and it does get frustrating after a point (I use Google Docs personally).
To help you fix Microsoft Word has stopped working error we are going to take a look at certain methods you can try to fix MS Word. So without further ado let’s help you solve Microsoft Word Stopped Working error.
How to Fix Microsoft Word has Stopped Working
There are various methods to resolve Microsoft Word has stopped working error and you can try them to see which one helps you out.
Method 1: Automatically Repair Microsoft Word
The process to repair is fairly simple and to repair MS Word and fix Microsoft Word has stopped working error –
- Open Start menu and navigate to Control Panel
- Look for Programs and Features and open it
- Find Microsoft Office from the list
- Right Click on it and hit Change
- A new window will open up select Repair and Continue (Newer versions may have an option called Quick Repair or Online Repair)
- The repair process will automatically complete. Once it is done, restart your PC.
Your error Microsoft Word has Stopped Working should now be resolved. If it doesn’t then keep reading and move to the second method.
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Method 2: Disable Add-Ins
A rogue add-ins can be at the heart of your Microsoft Word has Stopped Working issue and to rule out that possibility we recommend you disable all add-Ins. Many Add-ins are incompatible with Windows 10 which usually cause this error. To Disable Add-in –
- Open the Start menu and search Run or Press Windows Key + R
- Open Word in Safe mode by typing winword.exe /a which will open MS Word in Safe Mode
- If the above command doesn’t work, try winword /safe
- From the Top ribbon, Click the Office Icon and select Word options (On newer versions of the software, Navigate to File and then Options)
- Click on Add-Ins and Disable them all. Then restart your MS word normally to check if the Microsoft Word not working error is resolved.
- If it is resolved, try enabling Add-ins one at a time and checking if it works normally.
Once you find the culprit. Uninstall the Add-in to fix Microsoft Word has Stopped Working error.
Method 3: Update to The Latest Version
While it may seem silly that an older version of the application will cause an error this critical, it is possible. To update the program –
- Open MS Word
- Go to Accounts under which you shall find Product information and then select Update options
- Ensure that Enable updates option is checked. If it doesn’t exist then your program is auto updating anyway.
- In the same menu, find an option called Update Now and allow the update to download and complete.
- On Older versions of MS office, you can check for updates by going to File then Help under which you will find Check updates or Install updates option.
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If you are using Windows 10 then you can also check for updates from Updates and Security from Settings. To do that –
- Open Settings
- Go to Updates & Security
- Check for updates
- Allow the updates to download and install.
Microsoft Word has Stopped Working error should resolve itself by now. If it still doesn’t then keep trying other methods on the list.
Method 4: Remove Any Recently Installed Software
A recently installed software may clash with Microsoft Word which may cause the error on your system. Uninstall any recent software which you may have installed to check if the issue is resolved.
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Method 5: Modify the Registry
Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can brick your device. I only recommend this if you are an advanced user with proper knowledge of how to deal with corrupted software.
The registry contains a key which stores frequently used data of MS word. Once you delete it, Word will rebuild the key and resolve any issues which may have caused Microsoft Word stopped working.
- Press Windows + R and a Run dialog will open.
- Type regedit and hit enter
Now depending on what version of MS Office and MS word you have on your system navigate to the following paths
- Word 2002: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft \Office\10.0\Word\Data
- Word 2003: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Office\11.0\Word\Data
- Word 2007: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Office\12.0\Word\Data
- Word 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Data
- Word 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Word
- Word 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word
Once you find the path. Right click on it and hit delete. Now restart Word to check if Microsoft Word not working error has been resolved.
Method 6: Uninstall Any Old Printer Drivers
If you have any old printer drivers on your system that is what may be causing you your headache. Delete any old printer drivers you may have and check if your issue is resolved.
Method 7: Uninstall and Reinstall Microsoft Word
As a last resort, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling MS Word on your system to see if that resolves Microsoft Word has Stopped Working issue on your device. Sometimes corrupt files in softwares are what causes weird and random errors.
We hope our guide here helped you resolve Microsoft Word has stopped working error on your device. If you have any more questions feel free to let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out our site for other Windows error fixes.
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