Windows, which is undoubtedly the most popular Operating System for PC these days. Now, there are times when we face some errors on our Windows PC. One such error is the Windows Error 0xc004f074 which is caused when you are either using a Pirated Copy of Windows or have not activated your copy of Windows. Anyways, a lot of our users were facing this annoying error on their Windows PC. So we decided why not take a deeper look into it and come up with a solution for the same.
Well, that’s exactly what we would be covering on today. In this post, we would be helping you out in fixing the Windows Error 0xc004f074. Now if that sounds interesting, let us jump right into it. Should we?
How to fix Windows Error 0xc004f074
Here, we have listed a few methods which you can use in order to fix the Windows Error 0xc004f074 on your computer. However do note that, if the one method does not work for you, then the other might since there can be a couple of reasons behind this annoying Windows Error. With that being clear, that being said, let us now take a look at our first method to fix Windows Error 0xc004f074. Should we?
Method 1: Using the slmgr.vbs command
In this method, we would be using the slmgr.vbs command to see if it helps us in fixing the Windows Error 0xc004f074 error on our PC. Anyways, here are the steps which you need to follow in order to execute the slmgr.vbs command:
- First of all, you need to click on the Windows Search bar and search for Command Prompt.
- Now, right-click on the Command Prompt option and select the Run as Administrator option from the list.

- If you get a prompt for administrators right, then simply allow by clicking on the Yes button.
- Now, in the command prompt window, you need to type in the following command and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

slmgr.vbs –ipk YYYYY- YYYYY – YYYYY – YYYYY – YYYYY
Note: Make sure that you replace the YYYYY- YYYYY – YYYYY – YYYYY – YYYYY with your 25 digit product key.
- Once done, you need to type in the following command and hit the Enter key on your keyboard:
slmgr.vbs –ato
- Once done, simply restart your Windows PC and you should no longer face the Windows Error 0xc004f074 on your Windows PC.
Does the error still persist? Well, don’t worry, you can try our next method as it might work for you.
Method 2: Try Windows Update Troubleshooter
In this method, we would be trying out the Windows Update Troubleshooter to see if that helps in fixing this annoying Windows error 0xc004f074. Here are the steps which you need to follow:
- First of all, you need to type in Settings in the search menu and click on the first option for Settings from the list.

- In the Settings Window, you need to go to Update & Security, and then click on the Troubleshoot option from the left pane.

- Here, you need to click on the Windows Update option and then simply click on the Run the troubleshooter button.

- Now, wait for the Troubleshooter to find and fix the issue.
- Once the process has been completed, simply restart your Windows PC.
- Try to update your Windows again.
Let us now take a look at our third method to fix the annoying Windows Error 0xc004f074. Should we?
Method 3: By running SFC Scan
In this solution, we would be running the SFC scan to see if there is anything wrong with files on your PC which as a result caused this annoying Windows Error 0xc004f074. Here are the steps which you need to follow:
- First of all, you need to type in CMD in Windows Search Menu.
- Now, right-click on the Command Prompt option and choose the Run as Administrator option from the context menu.

- In the command prompt window, you need to type in the following and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
sfc /scannow
- Wait for the scanning and fixing process to get completed.

- Once the process has been completed, simply restart your Windows PC and see if the error still persists.
Let us now take a look at our last method to fix Windows Error 0xc004f074. Should we?
Method 4: Using the Slui 3 command
In this method, we would be using the Slui 3 command to activate our Windows to get rid off this annoying Windows Error 0xc004f074. Anyways, here are the steps which you need to follow in order to execute this command on your Windows PC:
- First of all, you need to press the Win + R keys altogether on your keyboard to open a Run Command Window.
- Here, you need to type in Slui 3 and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

- Now, you need to enter your Windows product key in the field that appears.
- Once done, click on the Activate button in order to activate your copy of Windows.
- After activation, you need to restart your Windows PC in order to make changes take place.
- You should no longer face the Windows Error 0xc004f074 on your PC.
So that’s it guys, this was our guide on How to fix Windows Error 0xc004f074. We hope that this guide helped you in getting rid of this annoying error on your computer. Just in case if you have any doubts regarding the topic, then feel free to leave them in the comments section down below.